共為你找到:14筆nodejs mysql example 相關企業資訊
儒興有限公司 成立於2006年、於網路行銷、程式設計、雲端產業開發為主 輔導過公司線上E化、輔導ERP企業相關流程管理線上化。 PHP程式設計、MYSQL 資料庫開發、介面美工相關、行銷產品e化。 工司成員:7人
本公司於1995年成立,推出全國第一套積木式概念之APOLLO系列遙控器自推出至今,承蒙各代理,經銷商及一般使用者與政府機構、同業的支持與愛護,使我們得以不斷的創新改良,精益求精,並於2000年推出高階機種HERCULES系列,其功能讓使用者更輕鬆掌握多段及無段變速,可完全掌握駕駛室的所有功能,2003年推出防爆系列機種(d2G4),2005年再度推出CUPID系列,簡易方便好操作型工業無線遙控系列,全系列皆通過出產嚴格測試,且通過歐盟CE美國FCC等多國認證。 3-Elite’ mission is to become a global leading design and wholesale manufacturing service Provider of industrial radio remote control solutions in different fields for worldwide system integrators or clone partners locally     3-Elite with the 15 Years of innovation expertise and experience, we will strive to serve worldwide system integration customers.   We not only produce radio remote control, but also sell other parts as long as you can see around the factory. For example, crane and its accessory.
Yiman Infotek is continue to grow during the past three year, and crossing to several fields. Base on multimedia interactive design, we have gathered strength and self-training to increase high quality to service in all kind of corporations in Taiwan. Our main business is the web development which involves two groups: Visual Art Design Dept and IT Dept. This year, we are going to combine other expertise to increase our services which are BTOB, BTOC, and CTOC. The new business line will be intensive integrated of developing mobile phone video and corporate with internet server to clients. If you are the one who wants a stage to prove your skill or need an environment to mature your skill, please submit your resume and join us as possible. 本公司是專注於IT產業多媒體互動軟體研發設計 1. 主業務為互動軟體規劃包含企業External and Intranet 系統整合、視覺UI設計,、多媒體設計 2. 次業務為網站設計、平面印刷設計、及3D建模 A.) 網站設計: 包含各大中小企業網站前台視覺設計,及後台系統規劃。研發技術以 HTML, XML, CSS, FLASH AS, ASP.NET, ASP, SQL2005, PHP5, MYSQL, and others relative B.) 平面設計: 包含 CS 系統設計,平面規劃設計到包裝設計 C.) 著重於Maya 3D 建模及運用於網路3D 3. 藉由科技與藝術創作的結合,品牌行銷搭配互動多媒體及網路行銷,更為廣泛及應用,進而提更高層次的品牌形。 如以有相關人員請投遞履歷到 [email protected] 或者經由518
公司要成立一個旅遊網路收尋平台,需要以下的人才 1.熟PHP+MYSQL 2.或Dreamwaver+CSS(美編設計) 企劃力強,有創業企圖心有創造力,想像力與執行力的熱血青年
GetMore是一個籌備中的購物網站,獲得教育部U-start計畫補助,目前辦公地點位於創立方,希望網羅對於創業具有熱情的年輕人一起努力,若你對於電子商務有興趣,且具備以下任何一個條件,即使你在學,也歡迎加入我們,一起規劃我們的網站。 1.熟悉HTML、CSS 2.平面設計、網站設計 3.PHP及MySQL或是Rails 4.具拍片、攝影經驗 相關連結: 1.U-start (http://ustart.moe.edu.tw) 2.創立方 (http://iehnccu.pixnet.net/blog) 3.創辦人網誌 (http://PoKai.cc)
About Us Metal & Steel Corporation (MSCO) is based in Kaohsiung and is a leading exporter of a wide variety of fasteners in Taiwan. MSCO has partnered up with a group of local manufacturers and sub-makers to provide a wide array of fasteners from standards to special custom made-to-order types. This makes MSCO your one-stop shop for assorted varieties which saves you valuable time allowing you to concentrate on your sales and decision making, while at the same time, allowing the manufacturers to concentrate on production and quality. MSCO understands the demands these days for lowering costs, yet without sacrificing the quality. That’s why every supplier is chosen carefully depending on the items needed and whether or not it is in their specialty range. MSCO makes these suppliers follow a very strict qualification process and must follow them to a tee. We are a technical, service based company with an excellent and experienced team led by Mr. Robert Jerng (founder and ex-owner of Oriental Fasteners OFCO). He has over 30 years of experience in the fastener industry and helped many customers ‘think out side the box’ finding cost effective ways to help them save costs and increase their competitiveness. For example, for one particular client in the Auto Fastener industry, a machined part was required, 10 million of them! Robert analyzed the drawing and consulted with several of the manufacturers and found that the same part can be easily produced cheaper and have better strength than the original design by simply switching to cold forming instead. Of course it sounds easier than done as there were several technical challenges to overcome, but in the end, every one wins!
公司最近在找可以合作的接案夥伴;可以是學生、兼職都好,重點是能完成案件(有實務相關成品優),有幾個案子之後會再發出,目前有一個是要設計【購物網站】可參考www.dreamkitty.com 主要功能: (1)可做站內商品名稱Search (2)購物車功能 (3)會員登入註冊功能 (4)商品資料庫顯示方式 其它細節: (1)另外詳談 (2)環境平台 PHP+MySQL (3)已有基本網站架構、美工不強沒關係 (4)電子報訂閱 有相關問題可E-mail跟我聯繫
專案軟體開發,Web-Based Application 開發, RIA系統開發,RFID 整合應用軟體開發 採用 Linux + Apache + PHP + Postgresql 作為開發平台 需要略懂 Visual Basic .NET 需要略懂 Microsoft SQL Server MySQL
>>> 關於玉金成 <<< 本公司為裝潢.家具.廚具五金製造商.立業已20年之久.在各式五金配件揚名業界.本公司本著誠信原則及永續經營的理念.不斷的創新.不斷的改技術之改良.將最優質的產品分享給客戶。 >>> About Us <<< Yu Chin Cheng Enterprise Co.,Ltd. was established in 1992 and mainly produces hardware handles, knobs and accessories, for example Zinc alloy, Brass, Iron, Alluminum alloy, Acrylic, etc. OEM/ODM requests are highly welcome! We always share the best products with every single customer and keep on researching on advanced technics. It is our most important faith to provide customers with the best service & good quality. Looking forward to building up good business relationship with our esteemed customers.
1998迄今,以發展網際網路應用為軸心,推廣網際網路之應用,置力網站建置,網際行銷,網站優化。 技術涵蓋:Asp 、 Asp.net 、 php 、MSSQl 、 MySQL 、 CSS 、JavaScript 、 Ajax等。
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